At this time there are 66 different football channels which makes a total of 1693 live football on TV matches. OneFootball PPV, Fanatiz, Apple TV and Brasileirão Play are the current channels that have the most rebroadcasted live football matches on TV for the next few months.
In this section you can access the full guide of any channel of your own choice and look up all football matches that you will be able to watch over the coming days including dates, times and all other details.
If you are not able to see a channel on the on the list it’s because no televised football matches have been published, as this television has not yet advertised it on their grid.
In the UK, there are a large number of television channels that offer a wide variety of sports, from football to rugby, boxing, cricket and more. Here are some of the most important sports broadcasting channels in the UK:
Sky Sports: Sky Sports is one of the most popular and well-known sports television channels in the UK. It offers live and deferred transmissions of the Premier League, Football League, Rugby Union, Formula 1, and other sports.
BT Sport: BT Sport is a telecommunications and television company that offers a wide range of sports, including the Premier League, UEFA Champions League, Bundesliga, NBA, and other elite sports.
BBC Sport: BBC Sport is a sports channel that offers live and deferred transmissions of sporting events across the UK, including the Olympic Games, the England and Wales Cricket Championship and other important sports.
ITV Sport: ITV Sport is a sports channel that offers live and deferred transmissions of important sporting events, including the FIFA World Cup, the Cup of Europe and other relevant sports.